Sunday, 22 September 2013

Bike Cushions and Class Makes

These are two cushions I made for a friend of mine who moved into a new house recently. She loves to cycle and organise tours for her cycling friends when she gets the time.  From the sound of it, it is the kind of cycling you would love to do yourself, nice and easy, soaking up the sunshine, taking in the scenery kind of cycling and still covering ground.  Anyhow when I saw this fabric I just knew it was meant for her so I bought it immediately.  Here are some photos of the cushions being tested for trimmings.

The other photos are of some of the lovely work done at one particular class last term, all beginners, using left over fabrics they found at home, shared amongst each other and blended with calico. I really enjoyed working with these ladies, it was a fun class.  Here you will see some table mats, tissue covers, bags, tea cozies, pin cushions and zippy pouches.

We  are enjoying a bit of an "Indian Summer" here this weekend, hope you are getting out in the sunshine!

Sunday, 15 September 2013

Some more summer makes!

 The first three photos are of two linen mug rugs made as a house warming gift for two very lovely ladies!  The nine patch centre is made from scraps left over from a quilt, which is not quite completed yet but, under way as we speak! The ribbons were bought in Dunnes Stores along with the mugs to match and girls loved them!

 The next three photos show a gift (inspired by Sew Jenaissance) made for a very gorgeous little family member who celebrated her First Holy Communion this summer. She wore a sleeveless long white brocade cheongsam (a one piece asian dress with mandarin collar) edged in gold delicate piping and white silk trousers with a little bag to match, all made by yours truly, and she looked gorgeous with her hair all curled and wearing a white hairband. It was indeed a happy day for her, surrounded by family members and lots and lots of friends. 

 And last but not least these three photos are of a zippy pouch, again made from scraps (more about that project next week). I literally had to use cut offs for this little project and didn't it work out well.  When I was about to throw what was left of the scraps in the bin I scraped enough together to make another zippy pouch so now I have  two.  This one holds scissors, pens, rulers and things  when I go to class.  I love when I manage to use every last bit of fabric purchased, just imagine, if I managed to do that all the time I wouldn't have reams and reams of fabric everywhere "tossing up the house". 

I hope you are keeping busy with your crafts and making lots of lovely things too. 

(Sorry about the wonky images, I can't manage to get them straight up)

Bye for now!

Sunday, 1 September 2013

"Roses from the Heart" Memorial Bonnets

Wow, 1st September today! Where have the last three months gone to?  We had the most glorious and brilliant summer weather in Ireland this year, well deserved, long overdue and much appreciated. I hope you enjoyed your summer wherever you are and that you have lots of lovely crafty things planned to do during the winter. My Autumn round of classes started early, in mid August, and hopefully the evening classes will be starting end of Sept depending on enrollments etc. so I hope to catch up with some of you then.

So what have I been doing all summer? Well, let me show you the last project I completed.  My good friend has rounded up all her "stitching fairies" again (see last paragraph of post dated Sun 19th May 2012) to help make 150 bonnets as part of the "Roses from the Heart" memorial tribute. Twenty bonnets, all sewn up, embroidered with name and shamrock, embellished with lace and finished off with coloured ribbon. These were made to commemorate the Irish women who sailed on "The Neva" in Jan 1835 from Cobh, on transportation to Australia for penal servitude and who perished (224 lost souls) when the ship hit a reef not far from the coast the following May. For more information see

As I was making my way through the list I noticed one of the names was the same as my mother's maiden name, now isn't that just  such a coincidence.  Of all the ships (and there were hundreds) and then, of all the women on that particular ship to end up with that name!  That bonnet was meant for me wasn't it?

Back again soon!